Epidemiological modelling of SARS-CoV-2
We are looking for a qualified postdoc who will join the BIOCOM-SC team at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The candidate should incorporate to the team on September 2022, with a standard postdoc salary. The project finishes on 30th June 2024.funded by the BBVA foundation

This 2-year interdisciplinary and multicentric project, funded by the BBVA foundation, will be carried out by a research team that includes investigators from the Computational Biology and Complex Systems (BIOCOM-SC) research group at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the university hospitals Vall d’Hebron, Bellvitge and Germans Trias i Pujol, the Catalan Public Health Agency and information systems from the Catalan Health Institute.
Postdoc job offer
We are looking for a qualified postdoc who will join the BIOCOM-SC team at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The candidate should incorporate to the team on September 2022, with a standard postdoc salary. The project finishes on 30th June 2024.
The candidate will participate on the data analysis and building of models, and will be responsible of the implementation process of the models, documentation of the codes, scheduling and execution of the simulations, implementation of the open modelling platform, and writing of the resulting reports and scientific papers. He/she will also participate on the monitoring of the new surveillance system, analysis and discussion of the results, among others.
Candidates profile
Candidates are expected to have provable expertise and skills on:
Computational modelling of infectious diseases
Mathematical epidemiology
Data analysis
Advanced programming in Matlab and/or Python and/or R
Writing and communicating
PI: Clara Prats, PhD (Computational Biology and Complex Systems, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
Centre: Barcelona School of Agri-food and Biosystems Engineering, Baix Llobregat Campus, Mediterranean Technology Park, Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain).
Expression of interest: Candidates should send an updated CV and a motivation letter to the PI before 15th July (Clara Prats, clara.prats@upc.edu)